
How To Compose And Create Abstracts In Libreoffice

Sumber Understanding Abstract In general, abstracts are simple writings that are not too long. A quick, brief, concise, and easy to understand restatement of a scientific paper is an important part of compiling a scientific paper. Abstract is a brief summary of the contents of scientific papers, such as theses, theses, dissertations, or research reports/journals. This paper is one of the things that stands out in a scientific paper. The presentation is placed in the first part of a written work. Abstract writing will be difficult if done at the beginning of scientific writing activities. It is better for the writer to write it if he understands the overall content of the scientific paper. What are the steps to be followed when making an abstract. The following explanation has been summarized from various sources. In making an abstract that is correct and in accordance with the rules, there are general rules that must be met by researchers in how to make an abstract. It is hoped t...

Create Table of Contents, Table of Tables, List of Drawings Automatically in Libre Office

Table of contents, table of tables and list of figures are usually made at the final stage when writing a final project. To create an automatic table of contents in Libre Office is quite easy. What needs to be done is that each page title or chapter or sub chapter must be written using a heading style. Of course adjust, if the title of the page or chapter uses heading 1 and sub chapters use heading 2. Heading 1 and heading 2 can be set in the style and formatting on the format menu or by pressing F11. Heading settings can be seen in Creating a final project template. To write a final project using this template, see Writing a final project using LibreOffice.  After setting the headings and writing the final project at the beginning and the main part, we will create a table of contents. We need to style the table of contents. The table of contents style settings are located in style and formatting on the format menu or press F11. Right click on contents 1, in the paragraph s...

Here are the steps for writing a table of contents in LibreOffice

1. Open a new LibreOffice document 2. Double click on the ruler, it will appear "L" on the ruler along with this dialog box. Click "Ok" 3. Select the “Tabs” tab. Make sure the Type is "Left". Then select "Fill Character" in the form of a dotted line and save the settings 4. Write the name of the chapter to be included in the table of contents. Press the "Tab" key on the keyboard then a dotted line will automatically appear, at the end of the line, fill in the page number. 5. To create a new line, simply press the "Enter" key on the keyboard and do the same thing as in point 3, do as many chapters as there are. In order to write neatly, it is enough to adjust the ruler sumber


Configuring and Applying Headings The first step you can do to create a table of contents is to configure the Heading where later you will automatically find it easy to manage the chapters in the document, here are the steps:   1.1 Creating Heading 1 for Chapter  The first thing we do is configure the headings for your Document Chapter. Here are the steps  1. Please Block Your Chapter Title 2. Then On the Home Menu, Click Styles and Select Heading 1 3. On Heading 1, then right click and select Modify 4. Since we will use Heading 1 for chapter titles, please configure how you want chapter titles to appear. If you have clicked OK 1.2 Creating Heading 2 for SUB-CHAPTER Furthermore, if you have configured the Chapter Title, because each chapter has a sub-heading or we often call it a sub-chapter, then you need to do the same for the sub-chapters as previously done in the chapter, only here you can choose a heading. 2...


Templates let you configure all the relevant settings you want pre-applied to document settings—fonts, margins and tabs, boilerplate text, and so on. You can simply open the template and save it with a new name to start the jump on a new document. If you're a user of the popular, free, and open-source LibreOffice programs, chances are you're doing this because you don't want to use Microsoft Office. But most of the skills you've learned in Office will translate to LibreOffice, including the basics behind saving template files in the Writer word processor. Templates can save you a lot of time if you create a set of documents that have similar properties, or if you want all of your new documents to be configured the way you want them. Please browse the "Format" menu first. Set fonts, character and paragraph formatting, bullets and numbering, and so on On the “Format” menu, pay particular attention to the “Page” option – the tabs in thi...

Definition And Complete Guide About Haki

 • What's That Haki  Intellectual Property Rights or commonly referred to as Intellectual Property Rights are rights obtained from the results of human thought to be able to produce a product, service, or process that is useful for the community. So it can be concluded that IPR is the right to enjoy economically the results of an intellectual creativity. Objects that are regulated in intellectual property are works produced by human intellectual abilities.The term Haki is obtained from Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) which has been regulated in Law Number 7 of 1994 concerning the ratification of the WTO. • Function And Purpose Haki The following are the main functions and purposes of the creation of haki, including: As legal protection for creators who are owned by individuals or groups for their efforts in making copyrighted works with the economic value contained therein. Anticipating and also preventing violations of other people's property rights. Increase competition...

Jenis Lisensi Perangkat Lunak & Aplikasi Office

1. Pengertian Perangkat Lunak Dan Lisensi  Perangkat lunak merupakan Kumpulan data data elektronik yang tersimpan dan dikendalikan oleh perangkat komputer. Lisensi adalah hak istimewa pembuat maupun pemilik software berdasarkan izin, hak dan pembatasan pada perangkat lunaknya. Sehingga software dapat dipergunakan, diperbanyak, dan disebarluaskan atau diubah oleh pihak lain dengan berpedoman pada peraturan yang telah tercantum pada lisensi software tersebut. 2. Jenis-jenis Lisensi Perangkat Lunak Dan Jenis-jenis Aplikasi Office Serta Lisensi Yang Digunakan   A. Jenis-jenis Lisensi Perangkat Lunak Yaitu: • PROPRIETARY SOFTWARE Proprietary Software adalah software berpemilik, sehingga seseorang harus meminta izin atau dapat dilarang untuk mengedarkan, menggunakan atau memodifikasi software tersebut. • COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE Commercial software adalah software yang dibuat dan dikembangkan oleh perusahaan dengan konsep bisnis, dibutuhkan proses pembelian atau sewa untuk bisa mengguna...