Configuring and Applying Headings
The first step you can do to create a table of contents is to configure the Heading where later you will automatically find it easy to manage the chapters in the document, here are the steps:

 1.1 Creating Heading 1 for Chapter
 The first thing we do is configure the headings for your Document Chapter. Here are the steps
 1. Please Block Your Chapter Title
2. Then On the Home Menu, Click Styles and Select Heading 1
3. On Heading 1, then right click and select Modify
4. Since we will use Heading 1 for chapter titles, please configure how you want chapter titles to appear. If you have clicked OK
1.2 Creating Heading 2 for SUB-CHAPTER
Furthermore, if you have configured the Chapter Title, because each chapter has a sub-heading or we often call it a sub-chapter, then you need to do the same for the sub-chapters as previously done in the chapter, only here you can choose a heading. 2
1. Please Block Your Sub-Chapter Titles
2. Then On the Home Menu, Click Styles and Select Heading 2
3. In Heading 2, then right click and select Modify
4. Since we will use Heading 1 for the title of the sub-chapter, please configure how you want the title of the sub-chapter to appear. If you have clicked OK