Templates let you configure all the relevant settings you want pre-applied to document settings—fonts, margins and tabs, boilerplate text, and so on. You can simply open the template and save it with a new name to start the jump on a new document.
If you're a user of the popular, free, and open-source LibreOffice programs, chances are you're doing this because you don't want to use Microsoft Office. But most of the skills you've learned in Office will translate to LibreOffice, including the basics behind saving template files in the Writer word processor.
Templates can save you a lot of time if you create a set of documents that have similar properties, or if you want all of your new documents to be configured the way you want them.
Please browse the "Format" menu first. Set fonts, character and paragraph formatting, bullets and numbering, and so on
On the “Format” menu, pay particular attention to the “Page” option – the tabs in this menu control almost everything that is not custom text
In the “Styles” menu, check the “Styles and Formatting” option. Here, you can apply one of the configured styles shown in the right window, or create a new one by right-clicking and then selecting "New." Click the rectangular, page, and list "a," icons at the top of the window to change between character, frame, page, and list styles, respectively. Applying styles helps ensure that you—and anyone you share the document with—can keep the formatting consistent.
After configuring your settings, go ahead and add whatever boilerplate content you want to the document. This can be a form letter, table, letterhead or address, or whatever you want to appear in all documents created from the template
When you are done with that, go to the "File" menu, and then select the "Save As" command. In the window that appears, click the "Save As Type" dropdown menu, and then select the "ODF Text Document Template (.ott) (*.ott)" option. That option is specific if you plan to keep LibreOffice as your primary editor - if you're going to use the template with another processor such as Word, select "Microsoft Word 97-2003 Template (.dot) (*. Dot)."There he is. Whenever you want to create a new, frequently used document that needs minor changes, simply open the template file. A good habit to get into is to immediately save the blank template as a new standard document (.odt, .doc, or .docx) so you don't save new information over the template file with a careless Ctrl + S. sumber