How To Compose And Create Abstracts In Libreoffice
Understanding Abstract
In general, abstracts are simple writings that are not too long. A quick, brief, concise, and easy to understand restatement of a scientific paper is an important part of compiling a scientific paper. Abstract is a brief summary of the contents of scientific papers, such as theses, theses, dissertations, or research reports/journals. This paper is one of the things that stands out in a scientific paper. The presentation is placed in the first part of a written work. Abstract writing will be difficult if done at the beginning of scientific writing activities. It is better for the writer to write it if he understands the overall content of the scientific paper.
What are the steps to be followed when making an abstract. The following explanation has been summarized from various sources.
In making an abstract that is correct and in accordance with the rules, there are general rules that must be met by researchers in how to make an abstract. It is hoped that people who use your research as a reference can easily get the information they need.
Here are tips for writing an abstract that you should know:
The rule that must be met when making an abstract is to include the background of the problem and the background faced by the researcher. The existence of a background helps to find solutions to solve the research problems carried out.
2. Method
Briefly and concisely describe the types of research methods carried out in the research. This aims to find out how and steps in accordance with the problems encountered.
3. Research Results
Elaborating the results of the research carried out into rules that must be explained related to the researchers being carried out. Just explain in general terms.
4. Conclusion
The conclusion is the closing in the rules of how to make a good abstract. By attaching a conclusion, it can be seen that the research that has been carried out can solve the problems faced.
5. Give Keywords at the End of the Paragraph
Keywords in research are useful to facilitate online searches, keywords can be selected from the words in the research title.
Here's how to make a good and correct abstract. So, people who read the abstract that you have made can be easily understood. There are several things that need to be understood in making an abstract.
1. Word Count
How to write the first abstract in writing the maximum word is 150 words. This number is a general rule that every researcher needs to understand. 150 is not an absolute number. However, the rules that apply in Indonesia are currently the number used in abstract writing is in the range of 100 to 150 words.
2. Distance Between Lines
Next we have to know the writing space between lines in how to make an abstract is a space of 1 (single spacing). This aims to compress the abstracts made and can include Indonesian abstracts and English abstracts on one page.
3. Foreign Language Writing
The use of foreign languages in the abstract must be italicized in writing. It does not only cover English but also scientific language which will be written in abstract writing.
4. Number of Paragraphs
Each abstract consists of three paragraphs.The first contains: research title, problem formulation, background and research objectives. The second contains: research methods, data analysis techniques, theoretical basis.The third contains: the results or conclusions obtained from the research.
5. Language
In writing the abstract, the language used is the parent language and the global language.
6. Keywords
Abstracts are given keywords related to the research conducted. The number of keywords given is about 3 to 5 words separated by commas (,).
7. Short, Solid, and Clear Writing
Writing an abstract that will be made needs to write an abstract in a concise, clear, and concise manner. The goal is that the number of words used is not wasteful. Also, the points to be discussed in each paragraph do not come out of writing a good and correct abstract.
Here are some examples of abstracts that can be used as references in making a good and correct abstract.
Geographic Information System Sample Locations and Geological Observation Points Geological Case Study Sheets of Nangapinoh, West Kalimantan is a spatial system and helps provide and present information on the results of geological research surveys conducted in the Nangapinoh area. This GIS is accompanied by supporting data that is useful for presenting the information needed from the Nangapinoh area. In addition, this GIS helps telmic staff at the Geological Survey Center (PSG) to manage geological information.
Making this GIS uses data collection methods by taking data at PSG, interviewing field supervisors, studying literature that supports problem solving and Unified Modeling Language (UML) for software designers along with software testing. The software used to build this GIS is using Visual Basic 6.0, ArcView .3.3, Microsoft Access 2003 Sena Map Objects 2.4
Keywords: Geographic Information System (GIS), space, research, Geological Survey Center, Unified Modeling Language